What Causes Hiccups?
What are Hiccups?
Hiccups are caused by an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm, which is a muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen.
The phrenic and vagus nerves run throughout the diaphragm. If these nerves are irritated, then a hiccup can result.
The stomach sits just below the diaphragm, the lungs sit on top of the diaphragm, and the esophagus runs through an opening in the diaphragm.

Hiccups seem to come and go for no reason, but there are actual causes for hiccups.
What Causes Hiccups?
Eating too quickly
Eating too much
Eating hot or spicy foods
Drinking too much alcohol
Drinking carbonated drinks
Swallowing air with chewing gum or sucking on candy
Sudden temperature changes
Diseases that irritate the nerves that control the diaphragm (GERD, laryngitis)
Feeling nervous or excited
A bloated stomach
Certain medicines
Abdominal surgery
Most cases of hiccups usually go away on their own after a few minutes. If they last more than 48 hours, then go to a doctor for evaluation.
How to Stop Hiccups
You have probably heard different suggestions about how to cure hiccups. There is no proof that they work, but they are not harmful, so you could try them. They include:
- Breathing into a paper bag placed in front of your mouth. (Do not put the bag over your head.)
- Drinking or sipping a glass of cold water very slowly
- Take a deep breath then hold your breath for 20 seconds
- Gargling with ice water
- Place a couple of drops of vinegar in the mouth or suck on a lemon (they “shock” the body)
- Drink a glass of room temperature water very slowly, all the way down without breathing
- Bend forward from the chest area to compress your chest
- Bring the knees to the chest and hug them for 2 minutes
Photo Credit: Yogaasan
What are Chronic Hiccups?
Some people have chronic hiccups. This means that the hiccups last more than 48 hours or keep coming back.
Chronic hiccups can interfere with your sleep, eating, drinking, and talking.
If you have chronic hiccups, contact your health care provider.
If you have a condition such as GERD that is causing the hiccups, treating that condition may help.
Credit: angry-birds-by-fandom
Learn More about Hiccups
- Chronic Hiccups (Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center)
- Hiccups (Merck & Co., Inc.)
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What Causes Hiccups